- abuurma
- bdrylie1
- World Environmental Policy
- elowing1
- Overpopulation and the Environment:Is Population Control the Solution?
- Some costs of bridge building
- Urban Sprawl
- jenglan1
- A Cultural Approach to Overpopulation
- Technology, Is it worth it?
- Is a Global Carrying Capacity a Myth?: Reaching the “Right” Number of People
- Capitalizing on the American Dream: An Introduction to New Urbanism
- Urban Overpopulation: Raw Sewage and Cadavers
- Closed-System Models, Doomsday Scenarios, and the End of Civilization
- Rats and Population
- An Optimum World
- Lessons from the Montreal Protocol
- Fifty Years on the Interstate
- Urban Growth and Nature
- An Argument for Sustainable Material Progress
- Malthus' Dismal Theorem and Cultural Evolution
- Overpopulation and Sustainable Development
- rparikh1
- Is there Hope?: Examining Overpopulation and the Environment Using the Kuznets Curve
- Man-Made Natural Disasters
- The Biggest Problem: Overpopulation
- Industry's Oil Deficit
- Deer Overpopulation
- Energy Consumption and the World's Growing Population
- Exploring an Economic Model towards Environmental Sustainability
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last updated 5/29/06